
Hello! My name is Emily, and I am a baking and confectionery enthusiast.  Aside from my passion for baking and curating special confections for those I love, I am a mom to two rambunctious kids, Leila and Alexander, and a dog mom to a bichon/toy-poodle mix, Millie. My late grandfather used to always say, “love comes through the stomach.” With that, I would like to introduce you to Sweetestry!

The Reason

I come from a long line of excellent Middle Eastern cooks/bakers, and over the years simply baking for fun with my family and for friends has become a creative outlet. 

When my husband and I had our first child, we were faced with so many challenges in the food arena that we did not envision as first-time parents. Leila battled with several food allergies, including food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome (FPIES), and a rare digestive disorder. Due to this a perfect storm was created and she developed a negative association with feeding when she was only a few weeks old.  We were absolutely perplexed as to why our sweet, otherwise healthy, baby hated the sight of a bottle and eventually some foods.

Despite this, we were determined to be advocates for her health. It took some time, perseverance, testing, a few procedures, lots of tears, but we all, (Leila included) pushed through gaining a wealth of knowledge along the way. 

While there were bumps in the road, these obstacles taught me so much about food and allergies. I immersed myself in research about foods, baking with alternative ingredients, and can happily say that I am able to bake for my daughter so that she can enjoy the sweetest of treats for special occasions… or just because!

Whether it’s a vegan, eggless, gluten free, a classic dessert and/or confectionary treat… Sweetestry will try our absolute best to have you covered! Let’s face it, it’s hard to be sad when you have a sweet treat in hand. 

Want to learn more about how Sweetestry accommodates customers with food allergies or sensitivities? Visit our FAQs page. 

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